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GGU-AXPILE: Driven piles to Tables C.1 and C.2 in DIN 1054

In Tables C.1 and C.2 of DIN 1054:2005 pile base resistances and pile skin friction for driven prefabricated steel or prestressed concrete piles are given for cohesion less soils. Failure values for pile base resistance and pile skin friction are given as a function of the cone resistance of the CPT. The table values are integrated in the program so that only the CPT cone resistance need be given for the individual soils.

The January 2003 DIN 1054 defines different values for the base resistance and skin friction than the January 2005 issue of DIN 1054. In order to retain the compatibility of older records it is possible to switch between the year versions when selecting a driven pile to Tables C.1 and C.2 of DIN 1054.

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