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GGU-AXPILE: "Mini-CAD toolbar" menu item

Using this menu item you can add free text, lines, circles, polygons and images (e.g. files in formats BMP, JPG, PSP, TIF, etc.) to the main program graphics. PDF files can also be imported as images. A pop-up menu opens, the icons and functions used are described in more detail in the Mini-CAD manual saved in the “C:\Program Files (x86)\GGU-Software\ Manuals” folder during installation.

Drawing objects that you create with this Mini-CAD system refer to the page format (in mm). They therefore always remain in the same page position. You should select this menu item if you want to enter general information on the drawing (e.g. company logo, report number, system number, stamp).

If you transfer this so-called header data to a file via the icon grafik-20240807-082843.png in the pop-up menu, you can save this header data in a “.kpf” file for a completely different system (with different system coordinates) and also load it again in other GGU programs using the icon grafik-20240807-082916.png in the pop-up menu. The saved header data will then be in the same position again. This simplifies the creation of general page information considerably.

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