GGU-AXPILE: "Pile diagram" menu item
After selecting this menu item, a dialog box opens which allows preferences to be defined for representation of the pile analysis diagram. The allowable pile load is represented in the pile diagram as a function of the pile diameter or the pile length, determined by the type of variation selected (pile length or pile diameter). If you do not want the evaluation displayed, clear the "Show pile diagram" check box.

In the first group box you can select a smoothing out method with which the allowable pile load curves and the settlement curves are drawn in the pile diagram:
"Linear" = no smoothing
"Method 1" = strict Bezier spline
"Method 2" = loose Bezier spline
Using the "User-defined axes" button, you can define the axes scales. Otherwise, axes scaling will be carried out automatically. After clicking the button, a dialog box opens in which you must first activate the "Use the following axes values" check box. You can edit the automatic scaling values to suit your requirements.
In the next group box you can influence the representation of the settlement curves. Using the applicable resistance-settlement curve, the program calculates the settlement (heave) corresponding to a given pile length or pile width.
In the lower group box, you specify general preferences for the pile diagram, such as the background colour, the size and position on the output sheet. The fastest way to modify the position of the pile diagram is to press the [F11] function key and then to pull the pile diagram to the new position with the left mouse button pressed.
If you activate the "Hatch allowable area" check box, reference lines are drawn in the allowable area only. Otherwise, lines are drawn across the whole of the plan width and height.
You can select the data to be displayed on the pile analysis diagram y-axis using the "Enter what?" options menu. If the EC7 partial safety factor concept is adopted, the default design value of the pile resistance "R,d" is used. However, you can also show the characteristic pile resistance in the serviceability limit state "R,Ek" or "allow. V" if using the older global safety factor concept.