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GGU-BORELOG: "smartwork import" menu item

You can import data that you have saved as a ".txt" file via smartwork GEO during your on-site ground investigation. smartwork GEO is a software solution from affinis for digitalised data acquisition, e.g. via a tablet. Find out more about the possibilities of this software solution at: https://www.affinis.de/services/smartworkgeo/

If you select this menu item, you will first see the following dialog box:


If you have saved several files in smartwork Geo which you would like to display together in one GGU-BORELOG file, activate the "Import several files" check box. This enables multiple marking of the desired files in the Windows selection box that opens.

If you have only imported one file at first, you can add further data later by starting the menu item again. If boreholes have already been imported, the following request box appears after exiting the above dialog box:


If you select "Yes", the new boreholes are appended to the end of the bore log. If you select "No", a new file with bore logs will be created.

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