GGU-CAD: "Load individual layers" menu item
As an alternative to the "File/Load" menu item described above, files can be loaded individually onto one of the ten drawing layers using this menu item.

The above dialog box opens. By clicking the buttons a file selector box is opened allowing you to allocate the required file to the corresponding drawing layer. If you load a file with objects distributed across several layers, the allocations are annulled for individual loading. All elements of this file then belong to this layer.
The number of objects in the layer is shown behind the file name. In addition, the word save indicates that these layers have not been altered by drawing operations. The word is not shown if drawing operations have been carried out and have not yet been saved to a file.
It makes sense to save a default frame for various page formats, including the company header/stamp as a separate file. This frame can then be loaded to a layer, independent of the other objects, without the need to convert scales, as used for a site map, for example.