GGU-CANTILEVER: "Active earth pressure" menu item
You can specify active earth pressure preferences using this dialog box:

In the upper group box you specify the type of active earth pressure calculation. If the "Culmann" check box is activated the active earth pressure is calculated after Culmann using a slice method with straight slip surfaces.
The "Use equivalent ep coefficient" check box should only be deactivated in exceptional circumstances (see EAB R 4). The equivalent earth pressure coefficient can only be smaller than 0.2 in special circumstances (see EAB R 4). It only makes sense to deactivate this check box when re-examining existing analyses (for instance, all the examples used in the Piling Handbook). Alternatively, the equivalent earth pressure coefficient can be defined by means of a friction angle phi = 40° or 45°. This procedure also takes the defined wall friction angle into consideration.
DIN 4085 states that for a vertical equivalent wall the active wall friction angle must equal the mean ground inclination. If the check box "Active wall friction <= mean ground inclination" is activated, the data entered in "Editor 1/Soils" are adopted.
A number of applications on the market also provide the option of a general increase in active earth pressure apart from certain forms or earth pressure redistribution. To be able to check calculations performed with such an application, GGU-CANTILEVER also offers this possibility.