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GGU-CANTILEVER: "Anchor steel design" menu item

Using this menu item, you can specify preferences for designing the anchor steel and carry out the design for an analysed system by means of the "Anchor steel design" button.

If you activate the "Verify automatically after each analysis" check box, you will be automatically presented with a query for anchor steel design when analysis is complete.

You can choose to design with a specified anchor steel or to search for the optimum steel from a list of existing steels.

For an analysis using global safety factors you must then enter the factor for the anchor steels which for active earth pressure = 0.0 and for loading solely by at-rest pressure = 1.0. Intermediate values can be linearly interpolated. FOS equals 1.0 for pretensioned anchors.

When using the partial safety factors only the anchor centres still need to be defined, as the other data is taken into consideration via the partial factor for permanent actions resulting from at-rest earth pressure.

Using the "Edit anchor steels" button you arrive at a dialog box listing the existing anchor steels with their names and the allowable anchor forces for active and at-rest earth pressures. By marking the selection check box in front of the desired anchor steel and clicking the "Selected steel as design steel" button, it can be transferred to the above dialog box. New anchor steels can be added to the list after clicking "x anchor steel(s) to edit".

The "Anchor steel design" button only appears if the system is already analysed!

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