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GGU-CANTILEVER: Capabilities

GGU-CANTILEVER has the following characteristics and maximum capabilities:

  • Almost any user-defined cantilever wall possible

  • Base inclination of cantilever wall

  • Up to 50 soil layers

  • Transfer of soil properties from GGU-CONNECT

  • Up to 40 berms on the active earth pressure side

  • Up to 40 berms on the passive earth pressure side

  • Analysis with active and increased active earth pressure and with at-rest earth pressure

  • Coefficients of active earth pressure to DIN 4085

  • Coefficients of passive earth pressure to DIN 4085, Streck, Caquot/Kerisel

  • Additional active and passive ep calculation to Culmann is possible.

  • Classical water pressure approach and, alternatively, by means of a flow conduit parallel to the wall in accordance with potential theory (analysed using finite-element methods). Inconsistencies in subsurface hydraulics apparent when using the classical approach are avoided when using flow conduits, and varying permeabilities are correctly considered as far as the approach allows. User-defined potentials can be applied at any point along the flow conduit. This allows correct, problem-free consideration of systems with several groundwater storeys and/or aquifuges, or with artesian conditions.

  • Optional consideration of hydraulic gradients on the active and the passive earth pressure sides

  • Consideration of pretensioning of anchors and struts possible

  • Analysis of safety factors against deep-seated failure with optimisation of anchor lengths

  • Analysis of stability against overturning

  • Analysis of bearing capacity safety factor

  • Analysis of settlements

  • Analysis of sliding safety factor

  • Analysis of safety against hydraulic heave

  • Analysis of safety against buoyancy

  • Reinforced concrete design

  • Convenient interface to the stability analysis application, GGU-STABILITY, for quick determination of safety factor against general failure

  • Analysis of static equilibrium in the EQU limit state

  • Up to 50 additional earth pressure distributions

  • Up to 20 area loads at any depth

  • Structural analysis of the wall by means of a two-dimensional rod construction module based on finite element methods. In contrast to many other applications, the influence of inclined anchors or struts and their interactions are thus directly considered in the analysis approach. Analysis can even be performed using 2nd order theory, making the generally onerous buckling length investigation of struts and wall unnecessary. In addition, it is possible to consider loads on the struts (e.g. for auxiliary bridges additionally acting as struts) during analysis.

  • Specification of up to 5 displacement boundary conditions (rotation, displacement in x or y directions) at any location

  • Specification of up to 5 action boundary conditions (moment, shear force and normal force) at any location

  • 20 anchor and strut sets. In defining the anchors and struts, axial stiffness and bending stiffness can be specified, so that, for example, passive soft anchors can also be incorporated.

  • Consideration of pretensioning of anchors and struts

  • Definition of up to 20 additional potentials for the analysis of flow conduits to the left and right of the wall for complex groundwater conditions

  • Automatic computation of earth pressure redistribution in accordance with EAB recommendations

  • Other earth pressure redistribution options:

    • No redistribution

    • Rectangle

    • 2 Rectangles

    • Triangle (maximum can be optionally placed at top, middle or bottom)

    • Trapezoid

    • Quadrilateral with maximum at anchor locations or any other location.

    • User-defined polygon

  • Following computation of the system the earth pressure, pore water pressure, moment, shear, normal force and bending line are displayed on the screen. The visualisation can be varied within wide limits. For example, the distributions of the potential and gradient, etc., can also be displayed.

  • At anchor points, predeformations that are already present can be defined as boundary conditions.

  • Legends can be displayed on screen indicating soil characteristics, general computation data, data needed for settlement analysis and the main design data. Thus, virtually all the raw data necessary for the computation are shown on screen.

  • The user interface is based on WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get), which means that what you see on the screen is virtually identical with what is printed. It also means that you can print out what you see on the screen at any point during the analysis.

  • The use of true-type fonts guarantees excellent layout.

  • Colour presentation of virtually all system geometries. Colours can be freely determined by the user. In particular, soil strata can also be coloured according to the German DIN 4022 conventions.

  • Zoom function

  • Mini-CAD system (additional text, lines, rectangles, circles, graphics, etc).

  • By clicking the "Copy/print area" icon on the toolbar you can copy any part of the graphics to the clipboard, or save it as an EMF file (Enhanced Metafile Format). Using the "Mini-CAD toolbar" or "Header toolbar" modules, you can insert EMF files into your graphics. Thus, the results of a slope failure analysis or of a grading analysis, for example, can easily be imported into the current graphics.

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