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GGU-CANTILEVER: "Double-bounded surcharges" menu item

Double-bounded surcharges are defined using this menu item. You are first queried whether the surcharges are entered to be on the active or the passive side. The following dialog box opens for active side input:


The number of surcharges can be edited using the "x double-bounded surcharge(s) to edit" button. Then enter the size of the surcharges, the ordinates and the depth in metres from the top of the wall or as absolute heights.

Double-bounded surcharges consist of 2 bounded surcharges with opposing signs. Whether or not the linear component of the resulting earth pressure (see Figure in “Theoretical principles: Double-bounded surcharges (active side)”) may be adopted at its full value for the bounded surcharge with the negative sign has not yet been conclusively clarified. This can be influenced using the control parameter:

  • Control parameter = 0.0 no linear component

  • Control parameter = 1.0 linear component at full value

Input of double-bounded surcharges on the passive side is analogous, but without the "Live" check box. There is no linear component for bounded surcharges on the passive side, meaning that a control parameter is not necessary.

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