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GGU-CANTILEVER: "New" menu item

You can enter a new system using this menu item. You will see the following dialog box:


You can enter a dataset description ("Project identification") of the problem going to process, which will then be used in the General Legend (see menu item "Graphics preferences/General legend"). This can be particularly useful when you are working with the menu item "Editor 2/Predeformation preferences". Using these program functions previously saved datasets are appended to the current dataset. The existing project identifications are also shown in the appropriate dialog boxes to aid file characterisation.

In the first group box you decide which safety concept to use for your analysis and design. Activate the standard required with the corresponding command button. Additionally, excavation visualisation to the right can be activated.

DIN 1054:2005 states that an overturning analysis may be dispensed with for Load Case 3 if sufficient bearing capacity has been demonstrated. This rule is no longer included in Eurocode 7; it is therefore always necessary to perform an overturning analysis. In justified exceptional cases, however, the analysis may be turned off using the "Do not investigate overturning" check box.

If you select the "Use absolute heights" check box, you can enter all depths and heights in mAD (heights are positive upwards). If this check box is not selected, the top of the wall is assumed to have a height of 0.0 and all further entries, depth of soil layers, for example, are positive downwards.

If your system uses differing soil properties on the active and the passive sides, activate the
"Differentiate active + passive soil properties" check box in the above dialog box. You will then be presented with different input columns for entering the active and passive friction angle and unit weight soil properties in the "Editor 1/Soils" menu item. For better visualisation you can define the soil colours on the active and the passive sides differently using the Soil properties legend (see menu item “Graphics preferences/Soil properties legend”).

If the normal force is a compressive force, concrete design is not conservative if the design value of the normal force is adopted. Design will adopt the characteristic normal force if the corresponding check box in the "Concrete design:" group box is activated.

If the safety concept has been altered using the "File/New" dialog box, the dialog box for specifying either the safety factors or the partial factors always opens after leaving the dialog box by
clicking "OK". These dialog boxes can also be accessed via the menu items "Editor 1/ Verifications/Safety factors" or "Editor 1/Verifications/Partial factors". Verifications and safety factors can be modified at any time using the above menu items.

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