GGU-CANTILEVER: "Predeformation preferences" menu item
If predeformations from previous construction phases must be taken into consideration as boundary conditions (see also “Theoretical principles: Predeformation”), the necessary settings are made here.

In the bottom section of the dialog box, you can choose whether or not to have the loaded predeformation data shown on screen. If you choose to have it shown, the system graphics show the system's bending line with predeformations.
Predeformations can be defined in two different ways:
Manual entry of predeformations
If you know the size of the predeformations, select "Consider manually entered predeformations", and then click the "Edit predeformations" button. In the dialog box that appears you can enter a predeformation for every currently defined anchor.

File entry of predeformations
Alternatively, predeformation data can be automatically imported from an existing file. Select "Consider predeformations imported from file" and "Browse and select file name". A dialog box will open for selecting the appropriate file, which must have been saved with the results of the analysis; otherwise, you will receive an error message. The program imports the appropriate data from this file. The file name is then shown on the button and below this the project identification of the imported file.
You can view the loaded values by clicking "Edit predeformations". If you need to alter the height of the anchors during further processing, these values will be automatically adjusted. This means that whenever you begin an analysis, the selected file will be loaded, and the values recomputed. You may also want to recompute the current system during a later session, although the file with the predeformation data has altered in the meantime. In this case, the new predeformation data will be loaded automatically.