GGU-CANTILEVER: "Settlements" menu item
The form of limiting depth calculation can be specified in three different ways using this menu item. In some GGU programs you first activate the “Calculate settlements” check box (see dialog box shown).

According to DIN 4019, settlement analysis can be terminated at a depth (limiting depth) in which the stress from soil self-weight and ground surcharges (overburden stress) is greater than 20% of the stresses caused by the wall. The stress analysis for determining the limiting depth is performed for the mean soil pressure in the characteristic point. The lateral stresses on the active side of the wall are adopted for this limiting depth calculation. If the limiting depth lies below the depth of the lowest soil layer for this type of calculation, the values of this lowest layer are adopted for the settlement analysis.
In addition, a "Preconsolidation" can be defined. This preconsolidation in kN/m² is subtracted from the existing soil pressure. Settlement analysis will then be performed with the reduced values. The overburden stress is also reduced by this amount when calculating the limiting depth.
The "Increments" are only important for the graphical visualisation of the stress diagram.