GGU-CANTILEVER: Soil properties
Up to 50 soil layers can be taken into consideration. For each layer the following parameters must be given:
depth in metres below top of the wall, or absolute depth,
unit weight [kN/m³] of moist soil γ,
unit weight [kN/m³] of buoyant soil γ',
friction angle [°],
cohesion (active and passive) [kN/m²],
active angle of wall friction as the ratio δa/φ,
passive angle of wall friction δp/φ,
permeability to the left and right of the wall [m/s],
constrained modulus Es.
Permeability is taken into consideration in a calculation of subsurface hydraulic conditions via flow conduits (see “Theoretical principles: Water pressure approach using flow conduits”).
If you activate the "Differentiate active + passive soil properties" check box in the dialog box in "File/New" or "Editor 1/Analysis options", you can enter differing friction angles and unit weights for the active and the passive sides.
If you are already working with GGU-CONNECT, you can also import soil properties from your subsoil layer model that you have created in GGU-CONNECT.
Further explanations can be found under the menu item “Editor 1 / Soils”.