GGU-CANTILEVER: Step 1: Select analysis options
After starting the program, the logo is displayed. Select the menu item "File/New". The following dialog box will appear:

If you select the "Use absolute heights" check box, you can enter all depths or heights in m AD (heights are positive upwards). If you leave this box unselected, the top of the wall is assumed at 0.0 m (height/depth) and all input of layer depths etc. is positive downwards. If, however, you want to work with absolute heights, enter the appropriate depths correspondingly altered. Thanks to WYSIWYG there is no danger of using incorrect data since all input is immediately visible on the screen. In this example the check box "Use absolute heights" is not selected.
Select the buttons shown in the above dialog box and click "OK". A new system is displayed on the screen and the complete menu bar is activated.