GGU-CANTILEVER: Step 9: Evaluate and visualise the results
Amongst other things, four legends are displayed on the screen, containing the soil properties, and the most important analysis data and analysis results as well as the results of the settlement analysis.
If you don't like the legend positions, they can be easily altered. Go to the "Move objects" menu item in the "Graphics preferences" menu and follow the instructions there. The size of the legends can be altered by changing the font sizes in the individual dialog boxes.
Besides the system, the earth pressures, action effects, etc. are displayed for the whole height of the wall. These entries can also be edited. Go to the "Graphics output preferences" menu item in the "System" menu. Further evaluations can be displayed by going to the "Evaluation" menu.
The diagram can be printed on the selected printer ("File/Print and export" menu item). You can also print off a detailed protocol ("File/Print output table" menu item). The zoom function (see "Graphics preferences/Zoom info" menu item) allows you to magnify selected areas of the graphic. Double-clicking in the graphics at a particular point will cause a box to appear containing the corresponding state variables.
To further clarify the analysis results the graphics can be supplemented with text and graphic elements using the "Mini-CAD" module. You can save your work to a file. Go to the "Save as" menu item in the "File" menu.