GGU-CANTILEVER: "Toolbar preferences" menu item
After starting the program, a horizontal toolbar for menu items appears below the program menu bar. If you would rather work with a popup window with several columns, you can specify your preferences using this menu item. The smart icons can also be switched off.
At the bottom of the program window, you find a status bar with further information.
You can also activate or switch off the status bar here. The preferences will be saved in the
"GGU-CANTILEVER.alg_wst" file (see menu item "Graphics preferences/Save graphics preferences") and will be active at the next time the program is started.
By clicking on the tools (smart icons) for the menu items you can directly reach most of the program functions. The meaning of the smart icons appears as a text box if you hover with the mouse pointer over the tools. Some of the tool functions cannot be called up via normal menu titles and menu entries.
Not all of the icons described below are available in all GGU programs.
You can use these icons to scroll forwards and backwards between individual pages. In many GGU programs, you can use this in the output table representation.
If you are in the output table representation, you can use this symbol to jump to a specific page or switch back to the normal display, i.e. your graphic display.
If you have previously zoomed in, this tool returns to a full screen display.
With the zoom functions you can zoom in or out of parts of the image, by clicking the left mouse button.
Use this tool to copy only parts of the graphics in order to paste them, e.g. to a report. You will see information on this function and can then mark an area, which is copied to the clipboard or can be saved in a file. Alternatively, you can send the marked area directly to your printer (see "Tips and tricks").
If you want to remove the colour from the system display, e.g. to create a black and white printout, you can do this using this on/off switch.
In several GGU programs, 4 colour and hatching settings are possible via this icon, which you can click through in sequence. A colour filled representation is the default setting, the next click shows the hatching, then coloured and hatched. The fourth click shows a representation with neither colour nor hatching. The next click starts again.
Use this icon to position legends and diagrams at the desired position on the output sheet.
By clicking this icon the last performed movement of graphical elements made using the [F11] function key or the menu item "Output preferences/Move objects" can be undone.
By clicking this symbol, the last object movement undo carried out using "Undo move object" can be restored.
If you are in the display of construction phases, you can use these icons to scroll back and forth between the individual construction phases.