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GGU Complete Installation - Alternatively with Chocolatey

How to easily keep your complete GGU programs up to date with the latest versions

Our two GGU software complete installations, which can be downloaded from our ESD website (, can now also be installed alternatively via the Windows package management system "Chocolatey" (

  • ggu-software : German version (D-A-CH)

  • ggu-software-international: Englisch version (INTERNATIONAL)

To automatically install one of the two GGU software installations mentioned above via Chocolatey, proceed as follows:

1) It is essential to uninstall any existing complete installation of GGU software via the Windows Control Panel.

2) Open a MS-Windows "PowerShell" window as administrator ("run as administrator").
IMPORTANT: Please do not start the normal shell of Windows, but make sure to use the PowerShell (blue background !!).

3) Install Chocolatey by submitting the following entry in the PowerShell window:

Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force;

[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol =

[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object


For more information, please visit:

4) Optional: In the PowerShell window with administration rights, you can search for the packages:

choco search ggu

choco search ggu-software

choco search ggu-software-international

5) To install the GGU software, enter one of the following commands in the PowerShell window and confirm it with the return key:

choco install ggu-software -y


choco install ggu-software-international -y

6) To uninstall, if necessary, enter one of the following commands in the PowerShell window:

choco uninstall ggu-software -y


choco uninstall ggu-software-international -y

7) Upgrade your GGU complete package using one of the following commands. When upgrading, the old version is automatically removed and replaced with the current version..

choco upgrade ggu-software -y


choco upgrade ggu-software-international -y

8) Subscribe to the Chocolatey Newsletter under "Step 1" on the following website:

9) Alternatively, the installation of subsequent GGU complete installations (updates) can now also be used via the graphical interface with the Chocolatey GUI program. To do this, proceed as follows:

Enter the following command in Powershell:

choco install chocolateygui -y

Now start the Chocolatey GUI program as administrator. Everything else will then be

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at

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