GGU-FOOTING: "Export to GGU-STABILITY" menu item
If you are analysing a single footing in a sloped system, you can export the system to GGU-STABILITY to verify the stability of the existing slope. The following dialog box opens:

In GGU-STABILITY the ground level is extended along the slope to the entered base of system. If you do not want to export the footing as a structural element and deactivate the check box, the footing is exported only as a permanent load. Normally, the width b of the footing (in the plan view in y-axis) is adopted as the width of the structural element or the permanent load in GGU-STABILITY. If you deactivate the "Export footing around y-axis" check box, the length a (view in x-axis) is adopted.
When creating the file for GGU-STABILITY you can already generate centre points for the
slip circle analysis according to Bishop. However, you should always check this later in GGU-STABILITY or do without generation.