GGU-FOOTING: "Output table" menu item
This menu item only appears in the "Multiple footings" analysis mode. You can alter the shape and appearance of the analysis output table, when the "Show output table" check box is activated.

You can define and edit the position of the legend using the values "x" and "y". The size of the legend is controlled by the values for "Width" and "Height". In some legends, you can also adjust the font size of the label and/or specify a background colour.
The fastest way to modify the position or size of the legend is to press the [F11] function key and then to either pull the legend to the new position or to move the sides of the legend to their new size with the left mouse button pressed.
The check boxes at the bottom of the box allow you to select a number of additional parameters to be entered in the output table. If the "SR modulus" check box is activated, the characteristic or allowable footing pressure is divided by the corresponding settlement for each footing and shown as the subgrade reaction modulus ks in [MN/m³].