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GGU-FOOTING: "Soil properties" menu item

A soil properties legend is shown on the screen when you activate the "Show legend" check box. The format and appearance of the legend can be altered using this menu item.

You can define and edit the position of the legend using the values "x" and "y". You can control the size of the legend via the "Font size". You can also define a background colour in some legends.

The fastest way to modify the position or size of the legend is to press the [F11] function key and then to either pull the legend to the new position or to move the sides of the legend to their new size with the left mouse button pressed.

The depths of the soil layers can also be entered in the legend. When using absolute elevations, the depth dimension, e.g. "m AD", is defined in the "Edit/Analysis options" menu item. Poisson's ratio can be switched off in the legend, for example if Poisson's ratio nu = 0.0 for all soils. Furthermore, you can activate the display of the explanations for vibrodisplacement compaction.

If the "System coloured" combo-box is activated, the soils will be displayed coloured in the legend and in the system and stress distribution graphics. Otherwise, they will be numbered. If you deactivate the "Automatic" check box in the "Soil colours + hatching" group box, the soil colours will be selected according to your individual preferences, which you can edit using the "Soil colours" button. Alternatively, you have the option of applying a variety of hatches. Using the legend hatching factor, closer hatching of the soil legend can be achieved than is possible in the system and stress influence diagrams.

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