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GGU-FOOTING: "Stress influence diagram" menu item

You can alter the shape and appearance of the stress influence diagram, if you activate the "Show stress influence diagram" check box. The dialog box for the "Multiple footings" analysis mode is shown below.

You can define and edit the position of the legend using the values "x" and "y". The size of the legend is controlled by the values for "Width" and "Height". In some legends, you can also adjust the font size of the label and/or specify a background colour.

The fastest way to modify the position or size of the legend is to press the [F11] function key and then to either pull the legend to the new position or to move the sides of the legend to their new size with the left mouse button pressed.

In addition, you can have the stress influence represented for various footing widths. The soil names can be displayed at the left, central or at the right. By activating the "Label stress influence diagram" or "Show limiting depth values" check boxes the corresponding values will be displayed in the representation.

If you are working on a system with low-lying groundwater, such that groundwater has no influence on the analysis results, you can deactivate the "With groundwater" check box. The groundwater table will then not be included in the graphical representation. Otherwise, the graphics will be reduced until the groundwater table also fits into the diagram, which can lead to very compact and unclear representations. Of course, the analysis results are not influenced by this check box.

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