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GGU-FOOTING: "System parameters" menu item

This function can also be accessed using the [F3] function key. The following dialog box opens if "Multiple footings" are selected together with systems analysed to DIN 4017:2006 and using the partial safety factor concept. The partial safety factor values are already entered into the input boxes, depending on the load case selected. If the global safety factor concept is selected, only the input boxes for the safety factors change, the remaining buttons and boxes are identical.

An explanation of the input fields can already be found in the "Multiple footings" worked example (see “Enter system parameters (Example 1)”) and the "Single rectangular footing" worked example (see “Enter system parameters (Example 2)”).

If you are working with absolute elevations the value, you entered in the menu item "Edit/Ground level" will be displayed. The groundwater level and footing base elevations can be adapted here if necessary (e.g. in m AD).

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