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GGU-LATPILE: "Active earth pressure" menu item

You can specify active earth pressure preferences using this dialog box:


In the upper group box, you specify the type of active earth pressure calculation. The other two methods are only of interest if you wish to analyse an example from older literature sources or check certain results.

The "Use equivalent ep coefficient" check box should only be deactivated in exceptional circumstances (see EAB R 4). The equivalent earth pressure coefficient can only be smaller than 0.2 in special circumstances (see EAB R 4). It only makes sense to deactivate this check box when re-examining existing analyses (for instance, all the examples used in the Piling Handbook). Alternatively, the equivalent earth pressure coefficient can be defined by means of a friction angle phi = 40°. This procedure also takes the defined wall friction angle into consideration.

Several applications on the market also provide the option of a general increase in active earth pressure, apart from certain forms or earth pressure redistribution. To be able to check analysis performed with such an application, GGU-LATPILE also offers the possibility.

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