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GGU-LATPILE: "Partial factors + Sum V" menu item

If you are analysing with the partial safety factor concept, you will see a dialog box for defining the partial factors.

In the dialog box's lower group box, activate required Sum V analyses using the two check boxes. When the check boxes are activated, analysis is performed automatically following your system analysis and design (see the example in Section 6.12).

On a previously analysed system, you can perform the analyses with a variety of settings via the menu item "Evaluation/Sum V analyses", without having to reanalyse the system.

In the "Default values" group box the partial factors for the various load cases and subsoil conditions given in the DIN 1054:2010 and in the EC 7 can be selected by means of the dialog box reached by clicking the "To DIN 1054:2010" button. The selected design situation is automatically entered at the top of the dialog box and shown later in the General legend. However, you can also use your own designations. The load case designations were altered for the EC 7 partial safety factor concept:

  • Load Case 1 is now DS-P: Persistent Design Situation

  • Load Case 2 is now DS-T: Transient Design Situation

  • Load Case 3 is now DS-A: Accidental Design Situation

In addition, there is a seismic design situation (DS-E). In the DS-E design situation all partial factors = '1.0'. It is also possible to select the partial safety factors compliant with Austrian standards using the "To ÖNORM EN 1997-1" button.

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