GGU-RETAIN: 2nd order theory
Analysis of sheet pile walls under buckling loads is performed in GGU-RETAIN compliant with DIN EN 1993-1-1.
The differential equation for a normal flexural member is:
EI w''''(x) = q(x)
The normal force N is taken into consideration for a buckling member:
EI w''''(x) + N w''(x) = q(x)
For the sake of completeness, the differential equation for an additionally bedded system is shown here since the program also allows parallel processing of systems with 2nd order theory and elastic bedding. The equation is:
EI w''''(x) + N w''(x) + ks w(x) = q(x)
Analysis is performed on the deformed system. In
DIN EN 1993-5
Design of Steel Structures,
Part 5: Piling
analysis using 2nd order theory is recommended for analysis of sheet pile walls under buckling loads. DIN EN 1993-5 refers to
DIN EN 1993-1-1
Design of Steel Structures,
Part 1-1: General Rules and Rules for Buildings
for these analyses. Analysis using 2nd order theory produces more accurate results than the usual and simplified equivalent member method.
Analysis using 2nd order theory requires a predeformation or pre-curvature of the underlying system. Pre-curvature values are given in Table 5.1 of DIN EN 1993-1-1.

Pre-curvatures are given as a function of the buckling line. In simplification, sheet pile walls can be analysed with a pre-curvature of e0,d/L = 1/150.
In the case of embedded, non-anchored walls, the deformed system results from an inclined position of the wall as shown in the following figure.

In the case of embedded, simply back-anchored walls or a freely supported, simply back-anchored wall, the deformed system results from a linear pre-curvature from the support point to the wall head and a parabolic pre-curvature between the support points and the wall base (see following figure).

The length L is given per field. The procedure for two rows of anchors is shown in the following figure.

The settings are defined in GGU-RETAIN in the analysis menu under "System/Analyse".

The size and direction of the pre-curvature can be specified. Whether a pre-curvature towards the ground side or the atmosphere side provides the more unfavourable design values is system-dependent: the following message will therefore be displayed once analysis begins:

You must therefore deactivate the "Pre-curvature to ground side" check box following successful analysis and check, in a new analysis, whether pre-curvature to the atmosphere side delivers less favourable values.
In an analysis using 2nd order theory the necessary iteration process in terms of displacement is carried out using the design normal force Nd. The analysis is based on a frame system, such that axial stiffnesses, and anchor and strut inclinations are taken into consideration correctly.
Subsequent design is based on a comparison of stresses
σd ≤ fy,k / γM = fy,k / 1,1 = fy,d
The 'Example' folder contains 4 files, which deal with the classical Euler cases 1 to 4. If the vertical load V is increased slightly using the "Editor 2/Action boundary conditions" menu item and the system analysed, the following error message appears:

The normal force given in the data files thus corresponds to the buckling force determined after Euler.