GGU-RETAIN: "Buoyancy + Hydraulic heave" menu item
This menu item opens a dialog box in which you can activate 'traditional' hydraulic heave analysis and analysis of the buoyancy of the excavation base. In addition, the hydraulic heave safety can be analysed using the Aulbach/Ziegler method (Aulbach, Benjamin; Ziegler, Martin: Simplified design of excavation support and shafts for safety against hydraulic heave = Einfache Bemessung von Baugruben und Schächten im Hinblick auf die Sicherheit gegen hydraulischen Grundbruch. In: Geomechanics and Tunnelling 6 (2013), No. 4, p. 362-374, ISSN 1865-7362.).

If you have activated "Hydraulic failure after Aulbach/Ziegler", you can enter the required system data via the "Preferences" button.
If you press the "Info" button, you will see further information on the subsoil situation (favourable/unfavourable). In the "Default values" group box the partial factors for the various load cases and subsoil conditions given in the DIN 1054:2010 and in the EC 7 can be selected by means of the dialog box reached by clicking the "To DIN 1054:2010" button.
In addition, it is possible to select the partial safety factors compliant with Austrian standards using the "To ÖNORM EN 1997-1" button.