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GGU-RETAIN: "Design defaults" menu item

Once the current system has been analysed you can progress directly to the retaining wall design (see menu item "System/Analyse"). In addition, using this menu item, you can also carry out subsequent design for a different section to that used for the analysis.

The program reacts differently depending on the type of retaining wall (soldier pile wall, sheet pile wall or in-situ concrete wall). For soldier pile walls, for example, you will see the following dialog box:

If you would prefer to have the program search for the optimum section, select the upper radio button and the following dialog box opens:

The search result is displayed in another dialog box. If you want to adopt the optimum section proposed by the program, click "OK".

Following this the analysis results are displayed in a message box. If you selected the proposed optimum soldier pile, you should adapt the soldier pile width to suit the section in your system by pressing the "Use" button. Subsequent reanalysis is recommended. The infill walling for soldier pile walls can then be designed.

The program then searches for the maximum active earth pressure ordinate, max eah, determines the maximum moment for the infill from

(max eah) · (soldier pile centres)2 / 8

and calculates the required thickness of the infill elements using the allowable stress. Alternatively, to timber infill, concrete infill can also be designed.

When design is complete you are informed of the verification results in an information box and are presented with the principal data on which the design was based. After confirming with "OK", the state variables and the system are presented on the screen.

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