GGU-RETAIN: Length surcharge
In the case of full or partial fixity of the retaining walls, a length surcharge for the theoretically determined embedment depth is required. In accordance with the EAB, this surcharge can be adopted at 20% of the theoretically determined embedment depth for full fixity. For partial fixity the value is acquired by linear interpolation between 0% and 20%. Alternatively, the length multiplier x can also be calculated in accordance with the EAU (Empfehlungen des Arbeitsausschusses "Ufereinfassungen" - Recommendations of the Committee for Waterfront Structures, Harbours and Waterways):
Δx ≥ Ch / ephC
Ch = equivalent force after Blum (horizontal component)
ephC = passive earth pressure stress on the equivalent force side
below the theoretical toe TF
The program can use either method. When calculating with the above equation, the program always adopts the coefficient of passive earth pressure after Streck. After determining x, the program checks whether the additional length extends into soil with a lower coefficient of passive earth pressure, in which case it uses the lower value. The output table will provide you with a detailed presentation of the results.