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GGU-RETAIN: Modulus of subgrade reaction

According to the EAB (R 11), elastic analysis with subgrade reaction moduli can be employed to determine internal forces. For this purpose, you can define linearly variable subgrade reaction modulus curves for the wall toe area, which can vary from area to area, making it possible to reproduce any subgrade reaction modulus curve you choose. Soil stresses result from analyses with subgrade reaction moduli, as the product of displacement and subgrade reaction moduli, which must not be greater than the passive earth pressure permitted at the point under consideration. Meeting this requirement generally requires iteration, which is performed by the program.

The subgrade reaction modulus curve is shown on the screen, but only when one of the following two variations is selected (see “Theoretical principles: Bedded systems - General information on types”):

  • fixed section length and bedded toe,

  • automatic determination of section length and bedded toe.

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