GGU-RETAIN: "Waling design" menu item
Using this menu item, you can specify preferences and then carry out the design for an analysed system by means of the "Waling design" button. The bending and shear verifications of the waling are then displayed on the screen.
If you activate the "Verify automatically after each analysis" check box, you will be automatically presented with a query for waling design when analysis is complete.

You can choose to design with a specified waling or to search for the optimum waling from a list of existing waling. When using partial factors, you must enter the "Yield point" and "gamma(steel)", and the allowable stresses for the global factors. Moreover, you must also enter the "Anchor centres" and select the type of "Moment loading" on which the design is based. Finally, you can specify whether the waling runs parallel to the anchor or perpendicular to the wall.

The "Edit waling" button opens a dialog box with a list of walings showing their names, section moduli and the values of "S/s" (first moment of area and web thickness) required for shear design. Here, you can select a waling and use it as the design waling using the button "Selected waling as design waling". New waling can be entered by clicking "x waling(s) to edit" and specifying a new number. With the buttons "Load" and "Save" you can access files with waling lists.
The button "Waling design" only appears if your system has already been calculated!