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GGU-SETTLE: Evaluate and visualise results (Ex. 1)

After calculations are complete the results can be evaluated in a variety of ways.

  • "Evaluation/Settlement location display options" menu item
    The calculated settlements will be displayed in their appropriate positions. If, after calculating, you have altered input values, the settlements will not be shown. You must then have the system recalculated.

  • "Evaluation/Settlement contours" menu item
    The program will carry out a triangulation of all calculated settlements. By interpolation within this triangle mesh, which is not identical to the above described triangle mesh for the constrained modulus profile, lines of equal settlement will then be drawn.

In the "Special" menu it is possible to calculate settlement depressions, stress distribution and lines of equal settlement along straight, vertical sections.

In accordance with the principle of What you see is what you get you can, at any stage of evaluation, send the current screen contents to the printer (see menu item "File/Print and export" button "Printer").

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