GGU-SETTLE: "Layers" menu item
After clicking this menu item, the following dialog box opens for rectangular or triangular foundations. If necessary, edit the number of layers by clicking the "Edit no. of soils" button and enter the new number of soil layers.

In the above dialog you can enter the name, the constrained modulus for initial loading and for reloading, Poisson's ratio and the unit weights of the individual soil layers. Using the "Common soils" button, you can easily select the soil properties of many common soils from a database or determine intermediate values. In the dialog box, which you open by pressing the "Common soils" button, open the "Soils_english.gng_ggu" file when first starting the program in English ("Edit table"/"Load" buttons). Then save the data set in the "Soils.gng_ggu" file on the program level to open your modified database file when the program starts. You can also enter your own data ("Edit table"/"x soils to edit" button) and save it in the "Soils.gng_ggu" file. You can also use your adapted file in other GGU programs by means of the "Common soils" function if you copy the file into the appropriate GGU program folder.
In order to ensure a sensible interpolation within the triangle mesh it is necessary that all nodes possess the same number of layers. If your system has areas in which certain soil layers are not present (e.g. peat lenses only in certain areas), then simply assign these layers a thickness of '0.0' at the appropriate nodes, using the menu item "Soils/Default layer depths".
If nu equals 0.0 for all soils, the value of nu displayed in the Soil properties legend can then be switched off.
The current stratification with all corresponding data can be saved to a separate file using the "Save" button in order to have it available for a different system, without a lot of typing work, using the "Load" button.
If you are working with vibrodisplacement compaction the following dialog box opens after clicking this menu item:

Define the soil layer improved by vibrodisplacement compaction by activating the "VDC" check box. Enter the corresponding parameters for this layer (see "Info" button). The ratio of the areas "A(C)/A" can be determined and adopted in the table by pressing the far right button. The ratio "E(C)/E(B)" should not be greater than 15 to a maximum of 20.