GGU-SLAB: "Default depths" menu item
After clicking this menu item, the following dialog box appears:

If you have entered two layers using the "Constrained mod./Layers" menu item, two layers will also be shown in this dialog box. The corresponding constrained moduli and the Poisson's ratio are also shown for your information. The given depths can be edited to suit your wishes. Depths are entered as m below grade. If you have activated the use of absolute heights, enter the depths as absolute elevations here, for example in m AD.
During subsequent definition of triangle nodes, the layer depths entered above are allocated to the new nodes by default. Of course, you can edit the layer depths for each node as required. If the constrained modulus profile is equal for almost all nodes, you can save a lot of input work by the initial definition of default depths.
A previously saved depth distribution can be loaded using the "Load" button. Using "Save" you can save the current depth distribution to a file to have it available later without requiring renewed input. If you press the "For all" button all current triangle nodes will be assigned these depths . In the dialog box a maximum of 8 layers are displayed. If more than eight layers are present, you can navigate through the table using the "Forw." and "Back" buttons.