GGU-SLAB: "Define stress section" menu item
The stresses for any given section can be displayed using this menu item. Specify the means of defining the section in the dialog box.

For this type of evaluation, the section course is no longer bound to the FEM nodes, but consists of a start and an end point. Using the "By hand" button you can specify the start and end points using numerical values instead of the mouse. If you have previously saved a section, it can be loaded again using "Load section". The "Prev. section" button is only visible if a section has already been defined and loads the section defined immediately prior.
After completing the section definition by pressing [Return] the number of subdivisions can be specified in a further dialog box. This defines the number of points are required for calculation of the sectional values. After confirming with "OK" the following dialog box opens:

You can specify several preferences for displaying the stresses. After leaving the dialog box via the "Display" button the program first calculates the stresses and then displays the stress distribution at depth for the specified points. It is also possible to save the section from within the dialog box.