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GGU-SLAB: General introduction to working with the program

Since I know from personal experience that reading user-manuals is quite a chore, there will now follow a short description of the main program functions. After studying this section, you will be in a position to carry out analysis of a slab using the finite-element method. Detailed information on the program can be obtained from the subsequent chapters as you require it.

Because the program can perform an analysis using both the subgrade reaction modulus and the constrained modulus methods, the descriptions are kept separate. Even if you want to stick to the constrained modulus method only, you should still read the following section on the use of the subgrade reaction modulus method. To get some practice, we recommend analysing a slab using the subgrade reaction modulus method. The input for this method is somewhat simpler, meaning you can get to know the program without a lot of unnecessary ballast.

Beside this short description, the final section of this manual contains a practical example, explaining in detail the use of the program.

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