Version 14
Slope stability analysis and analysis of soil nailing
and reinforced soil walls to DIN 4084 and EC 7

GGU-STABILITY: Worked example 1: Data input with mouse
- GGU-STABILITY: System description (Ex. 1)
- GGU-STABILITY: Step 1: Select analysis options (Ex. 1)
- GGU-STABILITY: Step 2: Adjust page coordinates (Ex. 1)
- GGU-STABILITY: Step 3: Define array (Ex. 1)
- GGU-STABILITY: Step 4: Enter surface and pore water pressure points (Ex. 1)
- GGU-STABILITY: Step 5: Enter soil layers (Ex. 1)
- GGU-STABILITY: Step 6: Enter water levels and loads (Ex. 1)
- GGU-STABILITY: Step 7: Enter soil properties (Ex. 1)
- GGU-STABILITY: Step 8: Define reinforced soil wall preferences (Ex. 1)
- GGU-STABILITY: Step 9: Generate geosynthetics (Ex. 1)
- GGU-STABILITY: Step 10: Generate slip surfaces (Ex. 1)
- GGU-STABILITY: Step 11: Analyse the slope (Ex. 1)
- GGU-STABILITY: Step 12: Evaluate and visualise the results (Ex. 1)
GGU-STABILITY: Worked example 2: Data input via editor
- GGU-STABILITY: Step 1: Select analysis options (Ex. 2)
- GGU-STABILITY: Step 2: Enter system parameters (Ex. 2)
- GGU-STABILITY: Step 3: Check and save system (Ex. 2)
- GGU-STABILITY: Step 4: Define slip circles (Ex. 2)
- GGU-STABILITY: Step 5: Analyse slope with circular slip surfaces (Ex. 2)
- GGU-STABILITY: Step 6: Evaluate and visualise the results (Ex. 2)
- GGU-STABILITY: Step 7: Define polygonal slip surfaces (Ex. 2)
- GGU-STABILITY: Step 8: Analyse slope with polygonal slip surfaces (Ex. 2)
GGU-STABILITY: Theoretical principles
- GGU-STABILITY: General information on Janbu and Bishop
- GGU-STABILITY: General information on General wedge method and Vertical slice method
- GGU-STABILITY: Consolidation theory
- GGU-STABILITY: Safety factor definitions
- GGU-STABILITY: Passive earth pressure
- GGU-STABILITY: Several slip bodies
- GGU-STABILITY: Nail wall or reinforced soil wall
- GGU-STABILITY: General notes on analysis with fibre cohesion
GGU-STABILITY: Description of menu items
- GGU-STABILITY: File menu
- GGU-STABILITY: Editor 1 menu
- GGU-STABILITY: Editor 2 menu
- GGU-STABILITY: Pwp mesh (pore water pressure mesh) menu
- GGU-STABILITY: Centre-points menu (for slip circles only)
- GGU-STABILITY: Slip body menu (for polygonal slip surfaces only)
- GGU-STABILITY: Safety/Utilisation factors menu (for slip circles only)
- GGU-STABILITY: Safety/Utilisation factors menu (for polygonal slip surfaces only)
- GGU-STABILITY: Graphics preferences menu
- GGU-STABILITY: Page size + margins menu
- GGU-STABILITY: Nail wall menu
- GGU-STABILITY: Info menu