GGU-STRATIG: Define consistencies of a stratigraphic log ("Consistencies" button)
If you are entering strata using the SEP abbreviations, you should also always enter the consistencies for each stratum compliant with DIN 4023 using the abbreviation line in the supplements group box. This ensures that if the stratum is subsequently edited and interpreted the consistencies are neither forgotten nor deleted.
A manual input or alterationof consistencies, relative densities, weathering grades is possible using the "Consistencies" button in the general editor box of your stratigraphic log. The following dialog box opens:

The consistencies etc. can be entered in any order (not necessarily from top to bottom). In the first two lines you enter the upper and lower limit for each zone. You can then select the desired consistency, relative density or weathering grade by clicking in the corresponding box. The buttons at the bottom of the dialog box perform the same actions as those for layer input.