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GGU-TRIAXIAL: "Move objects" menu item

If you select this entry, you can then use the mouse to move the various objects and legends. Move the mouse over the object of your choice. If you are over a movable object, the mouse pointer will take on the shape of a cross. Now press the left mouse button and drag the object to the desired position while holding down the button.

After going to this menu item only one object at a time can be moved using the mouse or its size be altered.

If you want to edit several objects, you can also activate the function more quickly by pressing the [F11] key or the symbol image-20240603-132732.png. An info box will then no longer appear.

In many GGU programs you can also alter the size of an object using this menu item or the [F11] function key. If you are positioned over the frame of a resizable object after activating the function, the mouse takes on the shape of a double arrow. Hold down the left mouse button and drag the frame until the object has reached the desired size. Drag a corner to maintain the aspect ratio of the sides. If you drag on one side, the object becomes taller or wider.

Using the [Back] key or by clicking on the icon image-20240801-144329.png you can undo the last change to the position or size of an object.

In programs in which you can position the diagrams yourself (menu item "System/Graph positioning preferences"), the result diagrams can also be moved using this function if you have switched to "Manual graph positioning".

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