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GGU-UNDERPIN: Keyboard and mouse

By double-clicking the left mouse button on legends or Mini-CAD objects, the editor for the selected element immediately opens, allowing it to be edited.

In most dialog boxes, the buttons for leaving the box or buttons for decisive functions are marked thickly and can be reached by clicking the [Enter]/[Return] key.

In dialog boxes in which you have to make entries, e.g. change soil properties, the quickest way to jump to the next input box is to use the [Tab] key. The previous value is marked and can be overwritten directly with the new entry. You do not have to move to the box with the mouse and delete the old entry in advance.

In input boxes with numerical values, you can use the calculation operations listed in “Tips and tricks: Mathematical functions in input boxes with numbers” to change them.

You can scroll the screen with the keyboard using the cursor keys and the [Page up] and [Page down] keys. After activating the zoom functions, click on an area of the screen to enlarge or reduce the display by a factor of 2. Alternatively, by clicking and dragging the mouse while holding down the [Ctrl] key, you define a window section which is then displayed in full screen. By clicking and dragging the mouse while holding down the [Shift] and [Ctrl] keys, you zoom into your system graphic, i.e. you change the scale of your system representation.

You can also use the mouse wheel to zoom in or out or to move the screen display. When the program is started for the first time, the default setting for mouse wheel operation is activated according to Windows conventions:

  • Mouse wheel up = move screen image up

  • Mouse wheel down = move screen image down

  • [Shift] + mouse wheel up = move screen image right

  • [Shift] + mouse wheel down = move screen image left

  • [Strg] + mouse wheel up = enlarge screen image (zoom in)

    [Strg] + mouse wheel down = reduce screen image (zoom out)

If you want to change the system coordinates and the scale of your system using the mouse wheel, activate the "Mouse wheel operation with global coordinates" check box in the dialog box of the "Graphics preferences/Zoom info" menu item. If you close the program with this setting, the setting is still activated the next time you start it. You can now use the following mouse wheel functions to change the system:

  • [Shift] + mouse wheel up = move system graphics up

  • [Shift] + mouse wheel down = move system graphics down

  • [Shift] + [Strg] + mouse wheel up = move system graphics right

  • [Shift] + [Strg] + mouse wheel down = move system graphics left

  • [Strg] + mouse wheel up = enlarge system graphics (change of scale)

  • [Strg] + mouse wheel down = reduce system graphics (change of scale)

From a zoomed representation you return to the full screen with [Esc]. You can undo a change in scale or system coordinates with [F9] (= menu item "Page size + margins/Auto-resize").

You can view the changed system coordinates in the menu item "Page size + margins/Manual resize (editor)" and, if necessary, adjust them manually by entering more precise numbers.

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