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GGU-UNDERPIN: Slenderness

DIN 4093:2012-08 stipulates that the slenderness λ ≤ 15, if no buckling safety analysis is performed. EN 1993-1-1:2010-12 states that buckling safety analysis may be dispensed with if the following condition is adhered to:

NEd/Ncr ≤ 0.10

NEd = design value of the normal force
Ncr = ideal bifurcation load for the governing buckling case

Ncr = E·I · π²/sk²

E = Young’s modulus of the body
I = moment of inertia
sk = buckling length

If the conditions:

a) slenderness λ ≤ 15 and

b) NEd/Ncr ≤ 0,10

are not adhered to, an analysis of the unreinforced concrete compliant with DIN 1045-1 may be performed instead. The relationships in DIN 1045-1 include a buckling safety analysis.

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