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InstaCmCloud: Setup of a network server (CodeMeter license server in the network)

If your GGU programs are activated as network licenses (Floating Network License = FNL) on your CmCloudContainer and are to be accessed by various clients in the company network, first install the CodeMeter Runtime Kit on the CodeMeter license server and mirror the CmCloudContainer as described in point 2.

Then open the CodeMeter WebAdmin by clicking the right mouse button on the Cm-icon

in the right area of your taskbar and selecting it in the context menu. Alternatively, click the "WebAdmin" button in the bottom right corner of the CodeMeter Control Center. The following browser window appears:

To enable your clients to access the GGU licenses in your CmCloudContainer via the network, you must activate the network server in the menu "Configuration" subitem "Server/Server Access". The network port will be set auto-matically (see figure below). Then click on "Apply".

Note: CodeMeter license server uses TCP/IP network protocol and default port 22350 for communication, so this port must not be blocked by your firewall.

Now open the CodeMeter control center by double-clicking on the Cm-icon

in your taskbar. Click on the menu item "Restart CodeMeter service" under the menu title "Process". After restarting, your server setup is complete.

The CodeMeter Runtime Kit must also be installed on the client computers.

For network access to the GGU licenses using WAN (Wide Area Network) via VPN or similar, it is essential that the IP of your network server is entered in CodeMeter WebAdmin of the client computer under "Configuration/Basis/ Server search list".

In the LAN (Local Area Network), entry is often not necessary, as the CmContainer with the GGU licenses will be automatically searched for if no CmContainer is found locally at the client computer.

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