InstaCmStick: GGU software licence activation on your CmStick (optional)
If you have not already received your CmStick programmed, you have been sent an email from Civilserve or Cleverbridge/WIBU- Systems AG in which you can find your personal link with a ticket number for downloading and activating the licenses on your CmStick:
e.g., " "
Launch the ticket link on your CodeMeter license server directly from your email or by copying it into your internet browser. The corresponding page in the "CodeMeter License Central WebDepot" opens. You will see the GGU licenses displayed which can be imported via this ticket, in the following image the license for the GGU-RETAIN program.

Note: When viewing the "CodeMeter License Central WebDepot" page, pay attention to notes on add-ons or plug-ins that you must allow!
Browser note: The following Internet browsers can be used for license activation with the respective settings:
· Browser with ActiveX and JavaScript activated
· Java-capable browser with activated Java and JavaScript, e.g., Firefox or Chrome
Select the serial number of your CmStick, which must be plugged in for programming. If several CmSticks are plugged in, first select the desired stick in the pull-down menu. If you are only plugging in the CmStick now, first update with the button and then make your selection. To activate the GGU licenses, then click on the yellow "Activate selected licenses now" button. The transfer may take several seconds, please be patient. The browser window can then simply be closed.
If several purchased GGU licenses are to be activated on different CmSticks, first mark the desired program (check mark set) and select the desired CmStick. After clicking on "Activate selected licenses now", only the selected GGU program will be transferred to the selected CmStick. Then repeat the activation for the next program license.