Mini-CAD: Settings via "Info" icon
After clicking on the

If you have copied objects the new objects are pasted at the same location by default. If the "Move objects slightly after paste" check box is activated the copied objects can be more easily recognised by slightly offsetting them and thus be marked for moving, for example.
The remaining objects are partially smeared when the moved objects are pulled across them. In order to see all objects correctly again after moving, activate the check box "Refresh screen after moving".
Only the graphics file name and path of imported graphics are stored in the data record. If the check box is activated, the graphics file will be searched for by default in the same folder as the file containing the Mini-CAD objects.
Symbols, which can be imported from a file with the ".syb" extension, can be used to fill polygons. If the symbol file is saved using the default name "MiniCadSymbols.syb" it is automatically loaded when the program starts. The file is first searched for in the program folder, then at the working level and finally in the Windows folder. If the symbols are also to be used in other GGU programs it makes sense to save the symbol file in the Windows folder. To open a new symbol file click the corresponding button and select the file from the file selector box. Symbols can be created using the GGU mbH freeware program SymbolDef and saved in a symbol file. More complex symbols can be created using the GGU mbH freeware program GGUMiniCAD and then integrated into your symbol file.
The preferences specified in the "Info" dialog box can be saved in either the ".ggu_mcd_ini" file or the ".ggu_kpf_ini" file. If these files are saved in the program folder (default) the preferences will be automatically loaded the next time the program is started.
In addition, you can view the total number of Mini-CAD objects present in this icon's dialog box by pressing the "Statistics" button. Detailed statistics including the number of objects on the individual layers are shown in the "Layers" icon dialog box