GGU-RETAIN: Soil properties
Soil properties
A maximum of 50 soil layers can be taken into consideration. The following parameters must be given for each:
Up to 50 soil layers can be taken into consideration. For each layer the following parameters must be given:
depth in metres below top of the wall, or absolute depth,
unit weight [kN/m³] of moist soil γ,
unit weight [kN/m³] of buoyant soil γ',
friction angle [°],
cohesion (active and passive) [kN/m²],
active angle of wall friction as the ratio δa/φ,
passive angle of wall friction δp/φ,
permeability to the left and right of the retaining wall [m/s],
skin friction qs,k [kN/m²],
cone resistance from CPT qc,
shear strength of the undrained soil cu,k.
If you activate the "Differentiate active + passive soil properties" check box in the dialog box in "File/New" or "Editor 1/Analysis options", you can enter differing friction angles and unit weights for the active and the passive sides.
Permeability is taken into consideration in a calculation of subsurface hydraulic conditions via flow conduits parallel to the wall (see “Theoretical principles: Water pressure” and there “Water pressure approach for sheet pile walls and in-situ concrete walls using flow conduits”).
If you want to analyse the pull-out resistance of anchors, activate the "Verification with qs,k" check box in the "Editor 2/Anchors" dialog box.
To analyse the vertical capacity to EAU, EAB and EAP, enter the cone resistance qc and the shear strength of the undrained soil cu,k.
The program provides an expandable database with soil properties for common soils. The
database can be opened via the "Common soils" button in the "Editor 1/Soils" editor box .
If you are already working with GGU-CONNECT, you can also import soil properties from your subsoil layer model that you have created in GGU-CONNECT.
Further explanations can be found under the menu item “Editor 1 / Soils”.