GGU-STABILITY: "Maximum nail forces" menu item
This menu item is only activated for analysis of a nail wall with geosynthetics or steel strips.
In accordance with current standards, the governing verification for design of the nails is the one producing the greatest nail forces. The following investigations are necessary for this:
Load components in the nails arising from slip body investigation for final and construction conditions
Load components in the nails arising from earth pressure on the concrete shell or exterior skin. The earth pressure from the nailed soil prism acting on the concrete shell or exterior skin may be adopted at 0.85 x active earth pressure value, but without applying cohesion. The earth pressure distribution may be adopted in a rectangular configuration, including in stratified ground. The wall friction angle is adopted at
= 0.
The "Maximum nail forces" menu item can only be selected if slip body investigations have already been carried out. This menu item determines the earth pressure on the outer skin and the stability verifications required by EBGEO. Once the analysis is complete the maximum nail forces are displayed in a message box.