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GGU-UPLIFT: "Optimise" menu item

Occasionally, it is desirable to determine the system dimensions which result in a certain, just sufficient, buoyancy safety or sufficient safety against hydraulic failure. This menu item can be helpful here.

In the upper part of the dialog box you specify whether the top of the system or the bottom is to be varied. If you activate the "Vary top of system" switch, you can additionally specify whether the groundwater level is to be kept constant during variation, or whether it is to be kept at a constant distance to the top of the system.

In the "Buoyancy" and "Hydraulic failure" group boxes you can define the safety to be optimised by activating the appropriate check boxes. If you have selected global safety factors as the analysis method, the safety factor input boxes are shown here. These boxes are not shown if you have selected partial safety factors as the analysis method, because in this case the editable partial safety factors ("Edit" menu) are used automatically.

In the "Variation range" group box you define the range and the increments for optimisation.

An example for system optimising can be found in Section "Example 2: Optimising the system".

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