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GGU-STABILITY: "Soil layers" button

The positions of the soil layers are now entered. The layering of the slope is described by the soil layers. A soil layer always consists of two x/y coordinate pairs. The area above these two coordinate pairs is assigned the properties of the soil, which is also to be entered (as a number in accordance with the numbering in the "Soil properties" dialog box). The soil layers are upwardly valid as far as surface level or to the lower edge of a higher soil layer. Soil layer input must be in such a manner that in all possible vertical sections the soil layer which is above has the lower layer number (do not confuse the layer number with the soil number!). This condition is checked by the program. If this condition is not adhered to, an error message will be issued, with information on the layer number and correction possibilities. Erroneous input is therefore not possible.

To edit the number of soil layers, select "x layer(s) to edit". Then enter 2 as the new number and confirm with "OK". Enter the coordinates and soil numbers of your layers.

The dialog box for the soil layers has two additional buttons in comparison to the corresponding boxes for surface points and soil properties

  • "Cut" and

  • "Paste".

Further, small boxes are placed in front of each of the layer values. To delete a layer you must click on the box of the layer to be deleted and then select the "Cut" button. The layer will then be deleted. The layer values are copied to an internal buffer and used as the new values for a layer if a "Paste" is necessary. This makes it easy to reorganise layers. Pasting of layer is analogous to cutting. A new layer will be pasted in front of the marked layer. Correct sorting can also be left to the program by selecting the "Test system" menu item from the "Editor 1" menu. The program will find any irregularities and offer correction possibilities.

It is even easier to import soil layers via the Windows clipboard (see Worked example 2). For example, if the soil strata information is available in an Excel table, it is possible to copy the respective columns containing the data into the clipboard ("Edit/Copy") and then to paste them into the dialog box shown above by pressing "Import clipboard". Before importing the information, select the soil number of the strata layer being pasted.

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